I accompany people who are on the edge of an adventure of inner discovery.

You want less stress and more joy in your life, but you have no idea how you’d even begin to get there. Work is busy, the demands of family, life, and work are constant, and you have begun to lose sight of your own needs, let alone your own wants! 

You can’t remember the last time you had a good heart-to-heart with your friends, you and your partner communicate through Google calendar appointments, and you know you should pay attention to health, sleep, and exercise – but where would you find the time?!

I believe that we make more progress when we’re not under pressure to figure everything out on our own. As we do our work together, I will always be a warm, illuminating, and loving presence in your journey. Imagine the feeling of having rich conversations around a campfire at the end of a day’s adventure – that’s what it will feel like to have me as your coach.  

Together we’ll expand your horizons to see beyond your current perspectives, so that you can more easily identify the steps you can take to get to where you want to go. 

I’ll help you shed the layers of self-doubt, self-criticism, judgement, and fear of the unknown, so that you are clearer on who you are, what matters most to you, and the impact that you want to have in your most important relationships.   

When you’re ready to step beyond your comfort zones and into a place of curiosity, openness, and courage, I’ll be there with you to reflect and celebrate your progress.  And if you stumble or are unsure on the new ground, we can adapt your plan to make sure you feel safe and secure and not like you’re walking into the abyss! 

I’ve trained with two of the best coach training organisations in the world, the Co-Active Training Institute (CTI) and CRR Global for organisation and relationship system coaching. I am certified as a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) by the International Coaching Federation (ICF) and have helped hundreds of clients across a range of industries and geographies be happier in their lives.

What makes me a great coach are my curiosity, care, empathy, and focus on you. Having me as a strategic listening partner will help you to appreciate all the wonderful aspects of yourself and see your blind spots, so that you can take action toward having better balance, less stress, and more joy in your life.